Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Are Your Marketing Efforts Stopped By Information Overload?

Overcoming information overload is a key element to having marketing success online. It starts out innocently enough with good intentions by you trying to keep up to date with the latest marketing concepts, just released "guru secrets", and never before seen software that will put your business on auto-pilot. Just a couple of clicks of your mouse and you will begin receiving NON-STOP TRAFFIC to your site while you sit back on the beach with your laptop ready to check the flood of cash to your bank account!

The Real Problem, All Learning And No Doing

The information overload problem is not just following the flood of pie-in-the-sky offers that fill your Email Inbox each day. It also extends to very valuable and necessary information. The real problem occurs when all that is done is spending too much time learning while spending no time doing. Thinking everything has to be learned perfectly before you can begin taking action.

When you try to read every article and watch every video before putting the information into action, information overload usually kicks in and you can't remember where to start. Usually the result is that you wind up going right back to the beginning and starting all over again.

If Your Not Making Mistaches :-( Your Not Growing

The best approach to avoiding information overload is to follow the old saying, "What's the best way to eat an elephant? One bite at a time". Take small chunks of information and put them into action. Then go back and do the same with another chunk and don't be afraid to make some mistakes. Making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn and to grow. The internet marketing graveyard is littered with perfectionists who never got their business off the ground because they spent all their time looking for the perfect formula and never did anything.

One final note, if you really want to short cut your learning curve and totally avoid the information overload trap, align yourself will successful people who are willing to share live with you what they have learned so that you don't have to re-invent the wheel. Then just do what they have done.

If you are interested in some great FREE information that focuses on taking action rather than just learning and provides live as well as video training from masters of internet marketing, CLICK HERE

information overload

information overload

information overload

If Content is King, Keyword Research Must Be The Queen

Keyword research, without a doubt, is the key to being profitable for the long term online. The reason for this is really quite fundamental. To be profitable in any business, you need to provide your customers with something they want. The way to find that out is by identifying what they are asking for in their search engine queries.

Basic Keyword Research Can Be Done By Anyone

Thanks to the Google Adwords Keyword Tool, basic keyword research can be done by anyone. By basic, I mean finding the words and phrases that are being most searched, as well as, how often. In addition, Google lets us know how much competition there is using each keyword. This is where the real challenge comes into play.

Just using keyword research to identify the most searched words in no way ensures any marketing success. The trick is to find high search volume keywords with low enough competition that will enable the online marketer to get their site indexed and ranked by Google with a goal to be on the first page listing.

Keyword Research Is Not An Exact Science

It is important to remember that the keyword research process, although it is a science, it is not an exact science. It is easy to get lost in the process and lose site of one very critical factor. Once you decide on a keyword for your marketing effort, make certain your product is what people who type in that keyword really want. Don't fall into the trap of trying to force your product to fit a market just because the keyword research showed millions of searches and very little competition. That is a certain recipe for failure.

For some great FREE information with live and video training from a master of keyword research and SEO CLICK HERE.

keyword research

keyword research

keyword research